CoronaVirus Alert

Be notified about your country!

CoronaVirus Alert sends you notifications whenever the infection status is changing in your country.

This application gives you a global and country-by-country "real-time" statistics about the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19, 2019-nCoV).

You can get notified about countries if you register for it whenever there are changes in the number of infections.

Data source:

This application is NOT an official source regarding any CoronaVirus news and infections.
It is just a tool that gives you an option to get notified whenever there are changes in any country. Then you can look up for more information yourself.

Also, the dataset relies upon publicly available data from multiple sources, that do not always agree. The developer hereby disclaims any and all representations and warranties with respect to the application, including accuracy, fitness for use. Reliance on the application and the dataset for medical guidance or use of the application and the dataset in commerce is strictly prohibited.

The visualised dataset is collected by the Johns Hopkins University and the developer is not in any connection with them.
The Johns Hopkins University also disclaims any and all representations and warranties with respect to the application, including accuracy, fitness for use.

Google and Apple don't let third-party CoronaVirus application to be present in their app stores anymore.
How to install APK on Android devices
How to install IPA on iOS devices*
(*Note: after re-signing an iOS app, the push notifications will not work. Unfortunately this is a limitation for now.)